My Hot Ass Crazy Lakota Sioux And Me
We ABSOLUTE fucking blast! I am a complete introvert, he claims he's not but, he TOTALLY is. We're always laughing, no matter the situation. People probably think we're depraved and heartless but, that's how we get through life's trials. He was very rough around the edges when we met and I softened him up (mostly) thank god. I was soft, uptight, totally constipated and he roughened me up, thank god. I picked him up from the other side of the tracks that I was raised to stay far far away from. We're so identical and so opposite at the same time. We compliment each other and rein each other in when needed. We are more in love today than we were 17 years ago. Our sex life is unimaginably over the fucking top AMAAAZING. This is totally new to us and we're taking baby steps so that no kinda damage is done to our beautiful little world.
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