Not looking for anything in particular, just thought this would be a bit of a laugh and I like weird things, I want to be louis theroux when I grow up.
Most of my friends would say I have an open, unconsciousness, introverted, agreeable personality.
When it comes to physical health, I run round a mountain during lunch and still don't know why. I probably exercise 3 or 4 times a week, but I'm not a fitness junky or anything. I don't really expect a level of fitness from people, whatever makes you happy.
Again I don't really mind who's leading or following in the bed, whatever floats your boat, but I suppose I like the weight of a women on top of me.
I like one on one sex, I'd probably get too caught up in trying to make sure everyone's having a good time in a threesome and then I'll just become anxious over the logistics.
I haven't really adventured with sex but hey, a little light bondage never hurt anyone. :P