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Members looking for sex in Mosman, NSW

Home Female, 45
Female 45
Mosman, NSW

I would like one discreet partner, ideally. I am sort of a safe, focused, on-at-a-time woman. Very energetic and can be noisy. Need a generous, patient man, sweet man, with a good tongue who wants to use it often My ideal would be to meet once or twice a week at his place, chat, maybe watch the news, have a snack... sex... then home I generally like any sort of background or outlook! Spiritual is good - if someone is interested in yoga or meditation could go to ashram for weekend... Also for the crown jewels I am not really into shaved or smooth. I prefer natural down there if possible... just come as you are! I am not going to shave my lady parts, am rockin' a natural look - I love it when a man is a nudist at home (I'll watch you walk around and check out your ass!) No mustaches - I know it is weird but my dad had a mustache and somehow cannot get attracted to a guy with mustache.... it is just a barrier for me... but can do full beard and mustache or goatee or stubble fine - just not mustache only sorry Man must host... at his place best.... prefer single guy...divorced..estranged... I don't feel comfortable being with a man who would then go sleep with a partner.... if man cannot host please don't contact I cannot host because of teenager at home, not comfortable with men here - if you will not host there is no need to contact me - please do not suggest a hotel - would prefer someone who lives alone I am not a PDA (public display of affection) person, but I do like LOTS of affection and attention in private Would really like to find someone on lower north shore or close by and easy to get to ... it would be nice to be geographically close, if you are more than 30 minutes from Sydney's lower north shore that is too far - It could be good to go power walking at night, I want to start a better fitness routine. (Hey if there are any trainers out there who want to help let me know!) Fantasy: personal trainer - nutritionist - massage therapist - Also, foodies welcome! Anyone who enjoys having a glass of wine and snack might be good. Someone with a boat might also be a fun extra... I love yummy food and wine so better if man likes to drink too Might enjoy oil massages, bubble baths and candles... No 20-somethings........late 30s, 40s and 50s best
No men who are into same-sex sessions I am a nervous driver, need someone who can drive me back and be safe or willing to take taxis if too much wine. Should have clean home, clean bathroom, good teeth and dental hygiene, clean fingernails, willing to spend for nice food or outings... I can say that if physically involved I would prefer to be in a one-on-one relationship there are no rules, but I can say if someone has the desire to have lots of sex with lots of women that's great - but I would not really want to be a part of that I would say I am pretty regular as far as that goes (the sex stuff) - but can be enthusiastic I am not interested in having anal sex - just don't want to - seems like it is the big thing now but I am afraid of it and worried it would be painful = why have pain when you can have pleasure? I don't like perfume or cologne - I like......... soap = just a clean regular person I can have an orgasm - but sometimes it takes time and I need someone who can be patient - I'm lucky and can have multiple orgasms but need someone willing to make the effort - I am an a very sexual and sensual person and think it should be FUN and joyous - raunchy sexy talk fine but not negative misogynist language I need someone who will be there when they say they will, and cancel when they can't make it or let me know if they are really late (the normal consideration stuff) I would want it to be 100% private - It would be most comfortable and fun to meet someone who enjoys social drinking so I'm not silly and tipsy on my own - no not giggling on my own - I am a very positive person and love to joke and laugh - no pessimists desired I know my stomach is chubby and I am working on it - I have some body issues and I do not like being teasing - ideally no snoring - I love sleep! Just to let you know - I swear - I drink - I am not skinny - I will not have someone at my house cuz of my kid - I don't drive at night (bus or get ride) - and the sex stuff: please don't call me a slut or a bitch - raunchy sex talk is great but only the nice fun stuff - no cuming in my face (tits OK) - I love toys! sex toys great - no pain or humiliation (not into it) must have clean bathroom - am allergic to latex so latex free condoms only - I am not a really chatty on the phone, don't take it personally am more comfortable just making plans then talking in person - you may not take naked pictures of me - you may not make marks or bruises on my body - I love to write and receive steamy sms - I love porn (favorite is girl on girl) and I love board games - the regular kind of board games like Monopoly or Risk - maybe we could play strip Yatzee.....I am a vegetarian but have no problem grilling a steak for someone else guys do ask my why I am so picky here but it is actually a respect for people's time - I would rather that men self-select out if they can tell I am not the right woman for them - they can keep looking for a suitable one - I was recently asked what my dealbreakers were/are so I thought I would share -
if someone won't take me home or get me there - dealbreaker
if someone doesn't cancel properly - dealbreaker
(I recently made plans with someone to go to mountains for the day and he said, "I'll call you in the morning then come get you" and he never did - he decided to go fishing with mates and didn't even tell me - he then calls at like 4:30 pm saying he just got back.... sheesh - going fishing is fine but don't leave me waiting and wondering all day.....just say something came up - you have a chance of forgiveness....
I'm not sure what my dealbreakers are - I need to think more - I think general rudeness is.... rude
I actually went out with someone for quite some time and was happy with him - then he got weirdly paranoid and jealous - that was a dealbreaker for me - if I didn't want to be with him I just wouldn't have been but he started accusing me of lying and stupid stuff.... so I left him
no hitting or violence toward me ever - dealbreaker
there are some sex things I don't want to do - if a guy is into that it is not a dealbreaker for me but I just wouldn't do it (I will not pee on anyone...)
if someone is homophobic or racist that is a dealbreaker - I like open minded people
constant pessimism - no good
I don't know..... haven't thought - devil worship? criminal behavior - serious stuff.... not petty high school stuff - if you were caught shoplifting at 17 I don't care - if you are a convicted rapist: dealbreaker
AIDs - that would be a deal breaker for me - won't risk even with condoms
really bad table manners - like eating in a gross way - yuck
no fighting with waitresses at pubs - bizarre but recently was out with group and one of the guys was disputing bill (which was correct) - thought it was a one time thing but then another time somewhere else he did the same thing - wouldn't go out with him
snobs - have an acquaintance who is minor English royalty and tells everyone he meets he is a Lord he
claims he doesn't want people to know and that is so NOT true - every time I've been around him he takes every chance he has to tell people - usually poor strangers who don't care
gosh - I must sound really mean here - I'd better stop but it has gotten me thinking
swearing is OK but not really mean stuff - even during fighting it's one thing to call someone inconsiderate and totally another to say I have a fat sorry ass.. - some things you can't come back from - no one can ever threaten my kid in any way EVER - he is a bit spoiled (only child) but that is MY issue
active intravenous drug use like heroin - that would probably be a deal breaker
stealing from me - dealbreaker - I don't mean like an emergency $20 bucks from my wallet when sleeping to order pizza - that I can deal with and share the pizza - but if someone stole (this has never happened) that would be a deal breaker - if someone embarrassed me in front of friends on purpose - I don't mean an accidental slip but mean stuff - that is a dealbreaker
Oh - I know one - keeping my secrets - one of the reasons my Ex and I (son's dad) fell out - one of the many - is that he would tell people things I had told him in confidence - it was awful - I could never tell him anything because he would blab arghhhhhhhhhhh blabbing my secrets whatever they may be even if silly is verboten
I want someone on my team - anyway this is enough I probably sound like a complainy lunatic - I am actually a bouncy goofy optimist someone recently asked how to get me purring so I thought I would share:
hmmm how to get me into bed if I am tired or lounging around? foot run then work your way up legs - lower back - ass - I love massage - I am sort of a nervous energy person and it takes a bit for me to relax.... rubbing my lower back then moving down is pretty much a sure fire way to get me started I take a nap just about every day when I can om the weekends unless bush walking - I am no good without sleep - the last guy I was with for like a year I had to have discussion with because he was always wanting MORE whatever and wouldn't let me nap- so finally I told him I just had to have a nap after lunch and convinced him to watch sports in the other room or run errands or something - I was just so tired I couldn't function and when he found I was a much more pleasant person after an hour alone (usually snoozing naked in his bed) he finally let me be - that was almost a deal breaker my breasts are very sensitive and like attention - don't forget the breasts - don't go straight for the lady parts - if there was one thing I could teach and tell men (and many have figured this out well but others need guidance) is to WAIT until a woman wants you to touch her - I mean touch other places - can get close - don't be withholding - but if you wait until the lady is really wanting you to touch her rather than trying to relax and warm up things go much better with sex also - I hate to say it - but I think that the best approach is "all about the woman" this may sound selfish but let me tell you (and I have discussed this with other women who 100% agree) it works - that if a man really makes an effort - she'll do anything for him - if he doesn't try - forget it = sure - I would get on my knees, crawl across the floor and undo your zipper with my teeth.... but you would have already impressed me somehow to get there
I think woman need to feel valued - even if they are not your ideal - for example if you generally like blonds and your new girl is a brunette - make it clear you like her as she is - if she asks if she should go blond - you can say, "sure baby whatever you want - but you are hot like this!" if she asks if she should lose weight - support her fitness routine - but tell her, "you are super sexy now, do what you want to feel healthy and thin if you want - but you are still hot now" when she loses the weight be happy for her - but NEVER tell her, "yeah you were getting overly squishy" even if you think it - unless it is a morbid obese and unhealthy situation and you are worried about her keep those thoughts to yourself so back to me specifically - I like to do my toilet stuff with the door closed. it seems like 100% of the men I have known leave the door open for all their business - I am used to this and don't mind - when I am showering or brushing my teeth you can come in and do whatever - however if the door is shut I want that 5 minutes of feminine privacy - if it is not some sort of medical emergency that you have to come in the bathroom just please give me a 5 minute break - I also don't lock door in the house - I think it is weird when someone locks a door inside - makes me nervous....(like bathroom or bedroom doors) I need snacks because sometimes get low blood sugar - I often carry an apple in my purse - but if I need a snack don't say, "we're eating in an hour can you wait?" the answer would be no - so if I were to say spend a Saturday with you I might put fruit and cheese and carrots or something in the fridge - I LOVE to cook - I actually really enjoy making drinks - making dinner - and don't expect any help - I am the kind of person who might bring you a drink and the paper or encourage you to watch the game while I make something - I love grilling - I don't really love doing the dishes though and help with that might be nice - also - if we get tired and sexy I want someone relaxed enough to leave dinner dishes in the sink to do Sunday morning - sometimes... I have a child - I would pretty much never spend the night on a weeknight - I need to get back and organize him and pack his lunch in the morning - I like to go to bed between 10 and 11 on weeknights so if we were to connect and I ever came over I would not stay unless we accidentally got drunk or had a problem and then I would need to get home at like 5 am to sneak in - basically this would never happen I could maybe stay over sometimes on weekends - but depending on son's sports and stuff - so generally would/could spend evening but not night except for camping - I LOVE nature - I like camp grounds but I actually prefer way out in the bush with no one around - I have a tent and all my own gear - ready to go I have a fantasy about finding a secluded beach with no one around and spending the night there and skinny dipping - that would be nice I like joking and goofing around - I am totally capable of initiating sex - I like lots of kissing - I don't wear much make-up and on weekends I prefer not to wear any at all if just hanging around - if going out to dinner or drinks yes will wear make-up but if I had my druthers I would go without it as much as possible I don't drive at night I do like watching porn sometimes - have a fantasy about watching a film - watching whatever they are doing - stopping the film and trying it - then starting film again - try whatever they do next - I think that could be fun I have seen some videos about how to kiss - little tips I hadn't though of - and I think it would be fun to watch them on the computer and try everything.... I am not a jealous person - I'm not really looking to go out with groups of friends I like one-on-one but if it did happen - I am never bothered by the guy I am with chatting with other girls - dancing with other girls - that is all fine if it is clear he leaving with me - I think it is weird when they won't let a partner dance with other women or in a group - you are either "in" or "out" of your relationship or situation - I think it is natural and normal to chat with whoever at a party = I know and believe that men and women can be friends - I do like attention - if I was sleeping with someone and they went for days with out messaging I think that might concern me - I do not need messages ever hour on the hour - sheesh some of my gal pals need their men to write daily novels - I don't need that - but I do like sweet hello texts
I am capable of very raunchy sexy texts as well I don't need to know everywhere a person is going or what they are doing - but I am definite about sexing one person at a time - if you were to meet someone else and you need to explore it just say so nicely and it would be fine - I am a serial monogamist I guess I am very lucky to be capable of multiple orgasms - big ones - more on that another time When involved do like attention: fun and sexy texts and emails! (I can send some pretty spicy ones if you can take it...) I also feel strongly about someone respecting my time. If you are busy or sick or not available just say so... A while back I met someone really nice but on Thursday nights he still couldnt decide if he had time to see me during the weekend. That doesnt work for me. I am happy to schedule cherry picking with my bushwalking group on my own, or a night out with the ladies is fun. But please be considerate and just let me know either way. Spontaneity is great, but so is respect and the ability to make plans.

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